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Jcop bluez smartcard reader driver
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BlueZ Secure Systems. JCOP –. The IBM GlobalPlatform JavaCard. TM implementation JCOP is available for licensing across the smart card value chain and across industries. JCOP EEPROM controller that may have had to be used .
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The Usb-Smart Jcop Bluez Smartcard Reader Driver application was designed to Usb-Smart Jcop Bluez Smartcard Reader Driver your PC into a dual-trace storage.
OpenSC - Open source smart card tools and middleware. IBM JCOP with BlueZ applet. Viktor Tarasov edited this page on Dec 11, 2012 · 1 revision .
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USB-Smart JCOP BlueZ Smartcard reader Driver File Information. Scan Computer for USB-Smart JCOP BlueZ Smartcard reader Driver Update; Manufacturer.
Jcop Bluez Smartcard Reader Driver # # List of USB ID's # # Maintained by Stephen J. Gowdy [email protected] # If you have any new entries.
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